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Elijah Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Head Professor: Tyrone Elijah
Details: At Elijah Brazilian Jiujitsu our students come from all walks of life and start at different fitness levels. We love to work with beginners and elite athletes alike. No matter what your starting level is, you'll get a great workout, gain lean muscle, and learn techniques to keep you and your family safe.
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Kids Program Detail: Elijah Brazilian Jiujitsu Program Not Only Teaches Kids Self-Defense… But Gives Them The Tools They Need For Success In Life…From focusing, to goal setting, to self-discipline, to self-respect – kids emerge from this program changed for the better. And their parents couldn't be happier.
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