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Marcelo Alonso Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Head Professor: Marcelo Alonso
Details: The MARCELO ALONSO ACADEMY ranks as one of the foremost Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu schools in the State of Washington. We instruct young adult (14 and above with approval) to adult students of all ages, from a variety of backgrounds and abilities with each aspiring to attain their own personal training goals. The class learning environment is respectful, focused, and spirited. The more experienced students regularly help the beginners learn and grow. The academy is like a big family and we all help each other develop to the best of our ability. There is always a healthy dose of competitiveness but it is in the spirit of improvement. Egos are left at the door.
Other Programs Available: Judo
Pricing: Membership Registration Fee: $100 fee (one time only). Monthly (direct withdrawal) w/ annual agreement: $135/month (2 classes/week), $150/month (unlimited classes/week). Pay-as-you-go - Drop-in for 1 class $20, Drop-in for 2 classes $30, Weekly $100/week, Monthly (2 classes/week) $200/month, Monthly (unlimited classes/week) $250/month, 3 Months (2 classes/week) $450/quarter, 3 Months (unlimited classes/week) $550/quarter. Discounts available for students, law enforcement, and military.
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