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Fenix Brazilian Jiu Jitsu South Shore
49 Rose St. Stoughton, MA 02072
Contact Phone: (781) 341-6299
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Head Professor: Eduardo Nascimento
Details: Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art, combat sport, and a self defense system that focuses on ground fighting. Its origins stem from the ground work in judo. Master Mitsuyo Maeda taught judo to a select few in Brazil, one of these people being Carlos Gracie, who then passed his knowledge to brother Hélio, who gradually developed a softer, pragmatic adaptation from judo known as Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ). A common misconception we hear people say is that they are interested in training BJJ but they want to get in shape first. By training BJJ you will get in shape, become more flexible, stronger, and more in-tune with your body and your mind, more so than whatever else it was you were originally going to do to get in shape. The training involved teaches you to persevere and overcome adversity every time you practice. It teaches you about self control, and relaxation in tense situations. BJJ is a great outlet to meet people, make friends, and build relationships. It brings people from all different walks of life together where you could have a high school kid, a doctor, a businessman and a family man all training together. You can have people from all across the spectrum who would never cross paths any other way, and you see this in BJJ more than other martial arts because of the connection you make with people, sharing techniques and friendships.
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Kids Program Detail: BJJ (The Gentle Art) is not about beating someone up or "choking" them. BJJ is about overcoming obstacles that seem bigger than you are through self-discipline, perseverance, character, respect, hard work and the will to never give up. Every student gets good at BJJ, just not at the same time. Progression in BJJ is not measured by how big and bad someone is, or how many people a student can tap or beat. We reward students based on their discipline, respect, determination, commitment and focus ON AND OFF the mats. Being good at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or “fighting” is just a byproduct of the life skills and traits that are forged on the mats during training. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to help kids learn valuable life skills because the things that it takes to get good at Jiu-Jitsu are the very same things that it takes to be successful in life, such as self-discipline, focus, self-respect, empathy and courtesy for others, etc. The way students react under stressful situations (i.e.: someone trying to hold you down on the ground or take you down and choke you out) during training translates to real life situations. A student who panics during these sessions usually has a hard time keeping their composure at the face of adversity off the mats as well. A student who stays calm during these sessions are more likely to keep their composure during times of frustration and pressure. Our weekly practices provide a dynamic controlled mix of physical and intellectual skills, interaction with other children, and the opportunity to learn to lose and win with honor and respect for one another. This variety of experiences offers plenty of opportunities for life lessons to be taught and learned. The inner strength and confidence that come from successfully handling adversity are the foundation to accomplishing many of the larger goals in life. Knowing you can do it, is an advantage that will last a lifetime. By completing the vigorous training sessions, students become empowered as they progress through their rank. They are equipped with real life skills to defend themselves not only physically but mentally as well; ultimately becoming Bully-Proofed to the all the “Bully’s” that life throws at them.
Other Programs Available: Muay Thai, MMA, Fitness
Special Offer: 1 Week Unlimited Trial Week $20/One-Time
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