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East Coast United Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Gyms Details:
Head Professor: JoJo Guarin
Details: Are you the next Ultimate Fighter looking for a pro-level MMA program? A wrestling or karate veteran looking for the next level of competition? Are you the thirty or forty (or even fifty!) year old man or woman looking to get into exceptional physical condition? Are you looking to gain muscle and lose weight? Are you a parent who wants the best self-defense and confidence booster available for their children? At East Coast United BJJ & MMA, we are dedicated to ALL types of students, the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts. Our programs build a positive mental attitude & a supreme level of physical fitness for kids, teens or adults, man or woman, girl or boy. Practiced by professional fighters, the military & police, our students learn the most effective system of self-defense and control.
Other Programs Available: MMA, Kickboxing
Awards: JoJo Guarin: Pan American Champion; 4x NAGA Champion; 6x Grapplers Quest Champion including Advanced Absolute Champion; 2x Acom LI NY Pro-Division No-Gi Champion
Country: United States
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