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Ginsberg Academy
2000 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02140
Contact Phone: (617) 821-1585
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Gyms Details:
Head Professor: David Ginsberg
Details: We circle up and bow-in at the beginning and end of each class. We bow to direct our focus and clarify our intention to train intelligently and effectively. Also, to show respect to ourselves, our training partners, teachers, students and whomever else one may choose to include. As one stands in the team circle, one bows to the center, to one’s own center. We say “Team!” when we bow in. We could just as well say “Family!” The point is that while we are practicing, whether learning a submission hold, playing tag or drilling a technique or, eventually, ‘rolling’ (controlled sparring), we are not in a competition. This is not a ‘fight club’. We are taking care of ourselves and one another. We will only do a move or movement if we are sure it will cause no harm to our partner. Note, even in sparring, we have partners, not opponents.
Pricing: $180/Month - 12 Month Contract, Recurring Payments; $185/Month - 6 Month Contract, Recurring Payments; $190/Monthly - No Contract, Month to Month Autopay; $200/Monthly - No Contract, No Recurring Payments; $30 - Single Class, Drop-In
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Country: United States
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