Jiu Jitsu Dojos in Wilkesboro

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Latest Update to North Carolina Brazillian Jiu Jitsu School database:

Wilkes County Brazilian Jiujitsu Club

Wilkesboro, NC - 28697 | (816) 382-7388

Details: Here at Wilkes County Brazilian Jiujitsu Club, we are dedicated to teaching martial arts to all of our students and providing a fully equipped gym for Wilkesboro residents. Our martial arts instructors are enthusiastic about helping our students improve their physical fitness through martial arts training, and they know how to inspire to keep students on track with their progress and goals. We feature a variety of classes and services, including: Weight Loss Training; Self Defense; Fitness Classes; Personal Trainer Service; MMA Lessons; Jiu-Jitsu Lessons; Kids Martial Arts Classes. Wilkes County Brazilian Jiujitsu Club is committed to teaching our students important techniques for self-defense. If you're interested in taking martial arts lessons or are looking for an alternative to your typical gym routine, we are your solution. Each of our classes focuses on your range of motion, discipline, self-control and overall fitness. There are also plenty of benefits of karate and martial arts for kids ages 8 and up, such as improving self-confidence, focus, ability to follow instructions, strength, and much more.