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Knockout Fitness
13215 W McDowell Rd, Suite D1/2 Goodyear, AZ 85395
Contact Phone: (602) 309-5504
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2670 Valleydale Rd Hoover AL, 35244
Contact Phone: (205) 572-5921
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Details: Our passion, commitment and professional responsibility is to provide the very best training and workouts available within a healthy and fun atmosphere. All of our classes are 60 minutes in length and BURN 800-1000 CALORIES PER CLASS, while getting both cardio and resistance training simultaneously. The equipment needed is not extensive and only consists of: heavy bags, boxing gloves, jump ropes, a timer and music. On top of all that, you will get a true full-body workout including: a 1000-calorie-an-hour cardio bomb and a superb all-body toner that will build your shoulders and forearms, as well as work your legs, hips, abs, upper back, triceps, biceps and lats. Knockout Fitness also has a complete weight room, cardio equipment, MMA training and Jiu-Jitsu classes.
Other Programs Available: Boxing, Kickboxing, Mixed Martial Arts, Weight Training, Personal Training
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Special Offer: Try Knockout Fitness free for 3 days with absolutely no obligation. See why Knockout Fitness is just right for you! To get started get your free workout coupon just bring it into one of our five conveniently located fitness centers. Our staff will help you on your path to fitness and wellness. We will do this in a friendly, comfortable environment. Once you have submitted your request for your free three day pass, please print the pass and bring it with you on your visit. The pass is required to take advantage of your free Knockout Fitness experience.
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