Jiu Jitsu Dojos in Centreville

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Latest Update to Virginia Brazillian Jiu Jitsu School database:

Centreville Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Centreville, VA - 20121 | (202) 431-2439

Details: In my thirty plus years of practicing martial arts, I’ve noticed a common theme: “I’ve always wanted to try a martial art”. Yet so few appear to do so. We at Centreville BJJ believe this is in part due to the mystique and intimidation of the martial arts. For many, it’s scary to take that first step: to get up off the couch and walk through the door of your local martial arts academy. At Centreville BJJ, everyone remembers their first day and goes out of their way to help you. Once you walk through the door you’ll be greeted by a friendly and inviting team. From there the beauty of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu takes over. We are passionate about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. From retired Navy Seal Jocko Willink “Jiu Jitsu is probably the No. 1 activity that I could recommend to someone to improve their lives overall.” If you’ve always wanted to try a martial art, come find out for yourself what Jocko means, get off the couch and step through our doors. We’ll take over from there…..